cartoonist and FalconsLIFE message board regular Mark Tucker — a.k.a. SuperFan on FalconsLIFE — will create a Falcons inspired cartoon every Friday that is sure to inspire laughs and get you ready for Sunday.

Inspiration for this cartoon is owed to Rev_Hal, one of our FalconsLIFE mods and chairman of the Falcons Nation Charity Organization (FNCO). He contacted me earlier this year and asked me to do a golfing cartoon for the first "Lunch with Legends" as one of the things up for bid in the silent auction was a round of golf with Buddy Curry and Jesse Tuggle. I sat down to draw a cartoon and it somehow evolved into a Saints smackdown! I'm still not sure how that happened, but Rev never did get his FNCO cartoon, although I did give him a nice print of this cartoon and profound apologies at the Lunch with Legends!
Smackdowns. I just can't help it!