The second home preseason game brought the Atlanta Falcons cheerleaders back to the Georgia Dome to perform as the football team took on the Tennessee Titans.

Second-year Atlanta Falcons Cheerleader Jasmine C. has come full circle. In May, she learned she landed a role of a lifetime. She is the principle dancer in the upcoming VH1 television movie “Drumline: A New Beat," a follow-up to the 2002 hit movie "Drumline," which starred Nick Cannon.
Before the original movie ever hit theaters, Jasmine loved dancing. It signified who she was. But she held back and hadn't pushed herself to audition for an auxiliary group.
After she watched it, however, it gave her that drive, that edge. She knew it was time to take that leap.
Four years after watching "Drumline," Jasmine started her freshman year at Bethune-Cookman University, a historically black university in Daytona Beach, Fla. It was here where she first auditioned to be part of the marching band and proudly made the auxiliary section known as the 14 Karat Gold Dancers.
Unknowingly, being part of this team and understanding its style of dance would be something that would help her stand out years down the road.
In the summer of 2010, after graduating from B-CU, Jasmine had the opportunity to go on a month-long tour in Japan with "Drumline Live," the stage production based off of the original movie. While traveling through Japan, talk of the second movie began making the rounds. She inquired about auditions through the right channels and knew she had to go for it, seeing the original movie is what made her pursue dancing.
Another four years made up the time between when she found out about the movie auditions and the auditions themselves. During that time, Jasmine busied herself with more performances with "Drumline Live," performing at halftime for the Knick vs. Nets game in December 2012, and tried out for the Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders. She secured a spot on the squad in 2013 as a rookie, and again as a second-year veteran for the 2014 season.
In fact, she credits the Falcons tryouts in helping to prepare her for the intensity she felt at the movie auditions.
"It was almost like the AFC (Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders) auditions; there were hundreds and hundreds of girls," Jasmine said. "I think there were actually more girls at this audition than there were at AFC this year."
Over a two day period, more than 300 women tried out for a spot on the 14-member dance team, seven of which make up the fictional Atlanta A&T Dancers. After day one, directors cut the number of girls down to 200, and after the second and final day that included two final cuts, they dropped the number of dancers down to 25.
Jasmine learned she made the Atlanta A&T team a week after completing the audition process. She also learned the directors wanted a more personal team and cut 11 additional ladies to make a final total of 14 dancers.
"It's full circle to view the original 'Drumline' movie in 2002 to starting my own auxiliary journey in 2006 and then being a part of the sequel in 2014," Jasmine said. "The directors have a vision and after being a part of it I am excited to see the final product."
"Drumline: A New Beat" is set to air in October. The movie follows a rebellious upper-class girl from Brooklyn who wants to defy the odds and become Atlanta A&T's drumline's first female section leader as well as revitalize the marching band.