After a few weeks of not feeling like herself, Carletta Cunningham decided it was time to schedule an appointment with her doctor.
She knew something wasn't right.
Cunningham is very active and for weeks she couldn't seem to shake the lethargic feeling she was experiencing.
Not even six months after getting her annual mammogram, Cunningham's doctor ordered another mammogram and ultrasound, where an anomaly was found, with a biopsy to follow.
At the age of 41, Cunningham was diagnosed with Stage 2B Triple-negative breast cancer. The aggressive course of treatment included sixteen rounds of chemotherapy and a double mastectomy.
From the moment she was diagnosed, and for the next 10 months, Cunningham attacked her diagnosis and didn't look back.
"I was determined when I finished my chemo treatment that I was going to hit the ground running," Cunningham said. "I developed what I call my 'keep it moving' mojo. Once your down with something like breast cancer, chemo has your body ridden with fatigue, it's hard to imagine a life after cancer. But once you get through it, there's nothing like living life.
"Cancer has given me more than it has taken away. I've always known I was strong, I'm stronger than I even imagined. It gives you an opportunity to inspire and motivate others."
Cunningham and eight additional ladies were honored by the Falcons organization and Northside Hospital for their continued effort in fighting against breast cancer.

The nine honorees selected received a grant in their name to the breast cancer organization of their choice, recognition prior to Sunday's game versus the San Diego Chargers and a special day of pampering and dinner.
Through the Falcons' Dazzle and Dine program, the survivors were given the opportunity to get their hair, make up and nails done at Jamison Shaw Hairdressers.
After getting all dolled up, the ladies were escorted to Katana Teppanyaki & Sushi by limousine, where they arrived to a pink carpet full of their families, friends and Falcons players and staff.
Matt Bryant, Matt Bosher, Philip Wheeler, Ben Garland, Patrick DiMarco, Josh Harris, Adrian Clayborn and Brooks Reed served as the chefs for the night.
"It's a blast, it's so special to get out here and spend time with these ladies," Bosher said of the event. "They have been on such a hard journey and they have preserved. They've done so much in their community, it's a blast getting out to show them appreciation and really get a chance to have a good time with them. It's so much fun to see the smiles on their faces."