The action thriller film 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi directed and produced by Michael Bay hits theatres Jan. 15, 2016 and is sure to be a box-office smash.
On Monday night, Jacob Tamme hosted a private screening of the movie for his teammates. The Falcons' TE wanted to give the guys he goes to work everyday a chance to spend quality time off of the football field.
"I thought it would be a really cool opportunity for guys to hang out and get together off the field and check out a movie that looks like it is going to be a really good one," Tammes said of the movie screening.
The Paramount Pictures film is based on the true story of the six members of a security team who fought to defend the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi after a terrorist attack in 2012.
When planning this event, Tamme not only wanted to give his team a chance to bond, he also saw several similarities between the message of the movie and how it relates to the men in the Falcons' locker room and how they go to work for one another day in and day out.
"The message [of the movie] is similar to a lot of stuff we talk about," Tamme said. "It's definitely applicable on some levels of what we do, because things always go wrong in our sport and teams that win are usually the ones who keep progressing until they get it right."