Falcons fans flocked back to the Georgia Dome on Sunday after the team spent more than 40 days on the road. Check out this fan photos from the Falcons vs. Browns game.

G Harland Gunn signs an autograph for a veteran

DE Tyson Jackson signs an autograph for a veteran

DE Stansly Maponga signs an autograph for a veteran

TV Information: The game will be broadcast on Fox at 4:05 p.m.
Television crew: Kevin Burkhardt (play-by-play), John Lynch (color), Pam Oliver (sideline reporter)
Referee crew: Terry McAulay
Uniform Combination: The Falcons will wear home red jerseys, white pants and black helmets. Click here for the 2014 uniform schedule
Parking lots open: 11 a.m.
Gates open: 2 p.m.
Yellow Lot Advisory: Traffic flow patterns will be altered for the remaining Falcons home games into the Yellow Lot. As was the case for the last home game, anyone wanting to enter the yellow lot should use the entrances off of Northside Drive on the north side of the lot. The entrance off Ivan Allen Blvd. will be exclusively for the Marshalling Yard and will not allow access into the yellow lot.
Falcons and MARTA: The Falcons Fan Patrol will be distributing Atlanta Falcons branded headphones to the first 500 Falcons fans at each of the following MARTA stations. We encourage fans to ride MARTA to the Georgia Dome on game day and Rise Up with the Falcons Fan Patrol!
- H.E Holmes
- Lindbergh
- College Park
- Indian Creek
- North Springs
State Farm Falcons Landing: State Farm Falcons Landing serves as the pregame epicenter for Falcons fans prior to entering the Georgia Dome. Nestled between the Georgia Dome and Philips Area on Andrew Young International Blvd., State Farm Falcons Landing provides an energetic atmosphere and interactive games for kinds and the weekend warrior alike! Falcons Landing is free of charge and will be opening at 1 p.m. and closing at 4 p.m. for Sunday's game. Please see below for some of the highlighted activities that will take place on State Farm Falcons Landing for this game:
- Former Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Stacey Bailey will be at the NCR tent on State Farm Falcons Landing (near the Official Falcons Gear trailer) signing autographs from 2-3:30 p.m. Bailey was a member of the Falcons from 1982-1990.
- Experience our new activation with Pavegen called Falcons Power Battle. Pavegen Falcons Power Battle set fans against each other in a fun timed energy battle. It features sixteen (16) Falcons branded tiles in eight (8) staging modules. The screen displays the real time energy produced by each participant. Two (2) groups consisting of eight (8) fans battle head to head to see who can produce the most energy in 30 seconds.
- In the West Plaza (Between the Georgia World Congress Center and Georgia Dome), XBOX will give the opportunity for fans to go head-to-head in a Madden 15 matchup on XBOX One. There will also be a chance to win prizes including NFLShop gifts cards, Microsoft Store Gift Cards, and XBOX One games.
Pregame Falcons March: Our new pregame tradition, the Falcons March, will return once again Sunday. Falcons Fans should meet on International Blvd. between the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce and Centennial Olympic Park at 11 a.m. The Falcons March will feature the following for this game:
- The Falcons March will be led by Georgia Youth Football Teams, Freddie Falcon and Atlanta Falcons Drum Line.
- Atlanta Falcons Drum Line will begin performance at 2:40 p.m.
- The Falcons March will begin at 3:00 p.m.
Pregame On-Field Entertainment: The Atlanta Falcons will host an NFL Punt, Pass & Kick Team Championship competition as children ages 6-15 take the field to experience the amusement in learning football fundamentals before the game kicks off. Twenty girls and twenty boys will compete in five age divisions with the top scorer in each group crowned team champion and eligible for the National Championships, which will be held during an NFL playoff game. These participants will engage in supportive learning and non-contact activity during this fun competition.
National Anthem: The National Anthem will be sung by 129 & Counting. Their name comes from gaining 129 years of being active members in the Barbershop Harmony Society and they have resolved that they are going to just, "Keep Counting." This entertaining quartet performs melodious, nostalgic chords which have charmed audiences in the classic American style, four-part, a cappella harmony for years. In fact, they have been performing for the Atlanta Falcons for years with this being the 25th year for tenor, Bill Schreiner. He has performed for the Falcons since 1969. Together with lead singer, Shelby Robert, baritone, Bob Snelling and bass, Ray Taylor, this quartet is honored to perform Our National Anthem, once again.
Color Guard: From Canton, Ga., the Creekview Grizzlies High School Army JROTC program has presented the Colors for many community events since the school opened its doors in 2006. The cadets have been a part of opening ceremonies and pre-game activities for dozens of organizations, including the Atlanta Falcons, the Atlanta Braves, the Atlanta Hawks, the Atlanta Thrashers and many more civic and local organizations. The Color Guard includes Cadet CPT Caleb Rudin, Cadet CPT Hunter Robinson, Cadet CPT Catherine Burton and Cadet MSG Andrew Blackwell. They are commanded by Cadet CPT Caleb Rudin and are part of the Creekview JROTC Drill Team coached by 1SG Greg Anderson.
Halftime: The Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders will host their annual Junior Cheerleader program during halftime as they collectively perform an exciting and fun piece with girls ages 5-16. This program is designed to build self-esteem and push educational and physical fitness awareness and incentives. Nearly 300 Junior Cheerleaders will participate in this year's on-field performance, taught by your very own Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders.