The Falcons honored wounded military veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan during a fishing outing and cookout at Lake Lanier. This event affords each veteran an opportunity to fish with the Falcons and compete for prizes.

Running back Steven Jackson's blog has become must-read material since he signed with the Falcons last year. From a recent post about how he expects the Falcons to rank in the top 10 in rushing in 2014 to his latest post about his father and the lessons he learned from him, Jackson once again proves to be a multi-talented individual who doesn't just confine his skills to 100 yards of green grass.
This Father's Day, Jackson pauses to pay tribute to his father — who he refers to as his role model — and how he taught Jackson how to be a man.
Writes Jackson: "My father has taught me a lot of things. First and foremost is to be a man of your word, and always try to leave a situation better than the way you received it. It's simple to take the easy way out, or point the finger and blame others for what happens in life. Personally, I've learned to take the humble approach, and to accept that none of us is perfect and we all have things to work on. That comes from him too. I've seen it play out time again that if you make the effort to leave a situation better than how you received it, things work out even when they shouldn't."