Welcome to my new blog-style posts that I'm going to affectionately call JAWS. What does JAWS stand for? Jay Adams Writes Stuff. Can't blame me for not being literal. Anyway, I'll be updating this section of the site several times per day to give you my take on certain news items concerning the Falcons, while also giving you a chance to voice your concerns in a poll.
Each week, my trusty camera and I are going to go around the building here in The Branch and gather some shots for you. Here's the first installment of Photos of the Week.

You may recall a few weeks ago that the Falcons were chosen by the Atlanta Sports Council as the Team of the Year. Well, here's the nice, shiny award we got for that.

The NCAA Tournament started Thursday and that means brackets were everywhere. Here's a shot of our new media video guru Robert Gilkes' bracket. Might as well write "busted" on it. He picked Louisville.

Speaking of the NCAA Tournament, here's Tron Stamper on his lunch break. Multi-tasking at its best.

A welcome sight for any of us who are tired of cold weather. The grass on the practice fields is starting to turn from brown to green. It'll be 90 degrees before we know it.

Step into creative services director Mike Benford's office and you're bound to find something interesting. Here are a couple of tubes he created for a marketing promotion recently. I'd love to pull into a drive-thru teller at the bank and find one of these babies sitting there.