Falcons fans have a chance to be a part of Falcons history as the team heads into the postseason by uploading a photo to our commemorative fan mosaic that will be printed out next year and placed on display.
Fans can upload their photo to the mosaic, which takes all the submitted photos and creates a larger image, and have a permanent place in Falcons history. The fan mosaic will run throughout the postseason as the first 35,000 photos submitted and approved will appear in the mosaic.
For your convenience, there are a variety of ways to upload a photo to the mosaic:
- Go to FalconsRiseUp.com to view the mosaic and upload a photo through the site's options.
- From FalconsRiseUp.com, you can also upload a photo from an existing album on your Facebook page.
- On Twitter and Instagram, upload a photo using the hashtag #RiseUp
Photos uploaded will have to go through a brief approval process and therefore won't be in the mosaic right away, but once in the mosaic, you can use the search function at FalconsRiseUp.com to find where your photo is in the mosaic by searching for your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram username or any terms specific to your upload.
Fans will also be able to view other photos within the mosaic and "like" them. Photos with the most "likes" will end up on the site's Most Popular Photos list and thus will be given larger real estate within the mosaic, so make sure to have your friends and family visit the mosaic and like your photo.