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Straight from the 'Beek

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SFTB: How to beat the Packers, fed up with excuses, winning streaks, and … a curse?

You've got questions about the Falcons and we've got answers – Straight from the Beek


The Falcons players are back at it today after having an off day – the schedule is a little different this week since the team is playing on Monday night. The Packers, as we all know, are playing well and won't be easy to knock off up in Lambeau Field. As far as big regular-season games go, this is right up there for the Falcons. In the meantime, you've got plenty of questions. Let's get to them now. Just remember that all opinions here are mine unless noted otherwise.

And we're off.


Rich from Cataula, GA
Beek! Hope you're hanging in there pretty good. I fully expect my Falcons to get a "W" on Monday night. I mean they're just too good and have been too close lately to not have things break their way. Simply must persevere. Now, my concern is this team may possibly be one of those who play up/down to competition. Guess it's a mindset thing with having so many young guys. What's your thoughts to that? Am I way off here or think there's some substance to this idea? I see them ultimately breaking through this and turning this season around into a special one. Call me nuts but mark my words on this. I'm calling a SPECIAL season the rest of the way. Keep up the great work, brother and let's RISE UP!!!

Matt: Alright, Rich, your words have been marked and recorded for the record. If you're spot on, we'll recognize you here. If you're wrong, well, I'll just forward all the emails from Falcons fans your way. In all seriousness, the Falcons have showed that they're capable of playing well – and have been in position to win two of their first three games. They need to finish – and stay healthy. Let's see what happens Monday. (And let's hope you're right. Love the optimism.)


Rhys from York, PA
Hey Beek, thanks for the spot on this great thread. My question to you is, when we go into Lambeau this upcoming Monday, what is our game plan? The cheese heads are playing great ball as of right now and Aaron Rodgers is throwing darts. How do you think we can stop a team running on all cylinders? Thanks for the opportunity and I'll be rooting more than ever for the W.

Matt: The Falcons have won three of their last four games against the Packers and when you look at those three wins, Atlanta has averaged 37 points per game. I think the Falcons are going to need to score a bunch of points again on Monday night to have a chance. I also think the Falcons are going to have to steal a possession or two. The Packers are the only team to not throw an interception or lose a fumble this season so far. Green Bay has scored at 35 points in each of its three games this season. So, I think the Falcons must ride Matt Ryan and Co. in this one to have a chance.


James from Calhoun, GA
Hey Beek. Man, how are you? Hope all is well with you and your family. Anyway, I'm writing because we have a lot of fakes out there and to me, they are worst kind of fans!!! You know the types, ones that are with Atlanta Falcons Nation if they are winning, but lose 3 games and they are trash ... I know we have a good #TFF (True Falcons Fans) Die-Hard fan base out there as well, but it seems only the fair-weather fans write in. Me, myself, I'm Falcon4Life, not to say I don't get angry especially when I know how talented our team is. I just wanted to mention to all the die-hard fans you are truly appreciated by Atlanta Falcons Nation!!! Keep heads up and stay behind our team!!! #We_Rise #TFF (True Falcons Fan) #InBrotherhood

Matt: James, it's always good to get some positive notes – and I haven't received many the last few weeks from Falcons fans. So I'm running this one for you and all the Dirty Bird fans who need a pick-me-up. Thanks for writing in and I hope the Falcons can deliver a win for you die-hard fans out there.


Methrone from Forsyth, GA
My main man, Beek. It's official! We are all out of excuses, we've used them all. If someone claims to have a valid excuse, just see if it is an excuse that the current Super Bowl champions could have used had they not won the Super Bowl. If so, it's not a valid excuse. All 32 teams have the same issues as you have stated many times before. Are you as tired as I am of the excuses, Beek?

Matt: I don't think anyone wants to hear excuses at this point, Methrone. Every team is dealing with injuries. And you can't blame the schedule, either. Heck, the Falcons have played two games already. I don't want to hear about conditioning (as some readers have suggested), either. The players have been in position to make plays … they just haven't made them. Either that or they've made mistakes. I put it on the players more than the coaches, to be honest. Make a tackle. Jump on an onside kick. Make a block. Make a better read. Don't commit stupid penalties. Just play better.


Johnnie from Clarks Summit, PA
What up, Beek! I think we can both agree there's been some bad juju surrounding our birds. I think I have an explanation. I remember my middle school teacher from the late '80s saying a lady put a curse on the Falcons because her house was torn down to build Fulton County Stadium. I know this sounds crazy but blowing all of the leads we have blown is crazy, too. Also, we tore down two churches to build a stadium we didn't really need. I know you won't print this, but you gotta agree there's been some bad juju surrounding the organization for years even back to the 1980 playoff game against the Cowboys. Thanks for all you do and Go Falcons!

Matt: I had never heard of the curse put on the Falcons, Johnnie, but I am aware of some of the buildings being torn down to build the stadium, including two churches. Some people believe in curses and some people do not. Regardless, let's hope all of the disappointing losses are a thing of the past and some happier days are ahead for the Falcons and all of you fans. Thanks for writing in.

Kyle Pitts catch


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Go ahead, ask the Beek

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