AFC Audition Prep Class 2
The Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders held the second of five audition prep classes Tuesday night. The classes prepare girls for Falcons cheer auditions, which will be held in early May.

Congratulations to finalist, Eiesha H. One participant from each class will automatically advance to finals. If you register and pay by March 31 for at least 2 classes, you will be entered into a drawing to receive the "Ultimate Audition Glam Experience." Learn more about cheer auditions here.

One participant from each class will automatically advance to finals. If you register and pay by March 31 for at least 2 classes, you will be entered into a drawing to receive the "Ultimate Audition Glam Experience." Learn more about cheer auditions here.

One participant from each class will automatically advance to finals. If you register and pay by March 31 for at least 2 classes, you will be entered into a drawing to receive the "Ultimate Audition Glam Experience." Learn more about cheer auditions here.