Cheerleader Swimsuit Calendar Shoot: Day 1
The 2013-14 Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders swimsuit calendar shoot got underway Wednesday night at Lake Lanier as Brittiney W., Denita C., Kat M., Ariel A., and Cameron A. took their turns in front of the camera

Brittiney W. gets her makeup done

A view of the room as Cameron A. is in makeup (PHOTO: Art Morrison, special to

Kat M. gets her hair done for the photo shoot

Brittiney W. checks out her makeup once it is complete (PHOTO: Art Morrison, special to

Brittiney W. and Cameron A.

Kat M. and Brittiney W. listen to the photographer's advice before their shoot

Brittiney W. gets prepped for her shoot

Brittiney W.

Brittiney W.'s photoshoot

Brittiney W. gets her hair fixed during the shoot

Kat M.

Brittiney W. checks out her photos after she is done shooting

Behind-the-scenes of Kat M.'s photoshoot

Kat M.

Cameron A. gets her makeup touched up

Ariel A.

Kat M. gets in the water for her photoshoot

Photographer Joey Wright shows Cameron A. how to pose

Photographer Joey Wright as he shoots Cameron A.

Denita C.

Cameron A.

Kat M. films a video bio after her photoshoot

Ariel A. gets her hair touched up before shooting

Photographer Joey Wright and Denita C.

Brittiney W. (PHOTO: Art Morrison, special to

Behind-the-scenes of Kat M.'s shoot (PHOTO: Art Morrison, special to

Kat M.'s photoshoot (PHOTO: Art Morrison, special to

Brittiney W. gets her makeup touched up

Behind-the-scenes of Brittiney W.'s photoshoot