Georgia Power Lineman Olympics - 2012

Joe Hawley gives the camera a thumbs up as the Falcons lineman participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Georgia Power Lineman Olympics - 2012 // June 14, 2012 // F

Corey Peters takes time to sign some footballs for Georgia Power associates as the Falcons lineman participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Georgia Power Lineman O

Will Svitek smiles for the camera as the Falcons lineman participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Georgia Power Lineman Olympics - 2012 // June 14, 2012 // Flowery

Lawrence Sidbury and defensive line coach Ray Hamilton laugh after they complete a game as the Falcons linemen participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Georgia Pow

Lawrence Sidbury and defensive line coach Ray Hamilton participate in Mummy Wrap as the Falcons linemen participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Georgia Power Line

Will Svitek celebrates his win in the Silly Socks game as the Falcons lineman participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Georgia Power Lineman Olympics - 2012 // Jun

Will Svitek and a Georgia Power lineman play Silly Socks as the Falcons linemen participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Georgia Power Lineman Olympics - 2012 // J

Ray Edwards and his Georgia Power partner high-five each other after they win one of the games as the Falcons linemen participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Geor

Ray Edwards and Tyson Clabo participate in Roll with It along with their Georgia Power partners as the Falcons linemen participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Geo

Offensive line coach Pat Hill plays the Hawaiian Hulla-Hoop game as the Falcons linemen participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Georgia Power Lineman Olympics - 2

Joe Hawley and Garrett Reynolds get covered in shaving cream during the Blind-Folded Barber game as the Falcons linemen participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Ge

Lamar Holmes and Peter Konz watch their teammates the Falcons linemen participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Georgia Power Lineman Olympics - 2012 // June 14, 20

Ray Edwards laughs after a game as the Falcons lineman participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Georgia Power Lineman Olympics - 2012 // June 14, 2012 // Flowery B

Ray Edwards signs some footballs for Georgia Power associates as the Falcons lineman participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Georgia Power Lineman Olympics - 2012

Joe Zelenka pronounces Justin Blalock the winner of the Extreme Hanky Panky game as the Falcons linemen participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Georgia Power Line

Justin Blalock and a Georgia Power lineman participate in Elephant March as the Falcons linemen participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Georgia Power Lineman Olym

Tyson Clabo signs a football for some Georgia Power associates as the Falcons lineman participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Georgia Power Lineman Olympics - 201

Tyson Clabo and a Georgia Power lineman play the Extreme Hanky Panky game as the Falcons linemen participated in Lineman Olympics with Georgia Power linemen Thursday for video features throughout the season in the Georgia Dome // Georgia Power Lineman Oly