Hometown Huddle - 2012
The Falcons are out and about in and around Atlanta once again for the NFL community initiative Hometown Huddle, which encourages all teams to take part in giving back.

Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders Denita C. and Rie O. smile with Freddie Falcon

Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders Denita C. and Rie O. walk into the gym at Clifton Elementary

Atlanta Falcons players walk into the gym at Clifton Elementary to surprise the students for NFL/United Way's Hometown Huddle

Atlanta Falcons players walk into the gym at Clifton Elementary to surprise the students for the NFL/United Way's Hometown Huddle

A few Atlanta Falcons players, including Matt Ryan, get ready to hang out with the kids of Clifton Elementary for the NFL/United Way's Hometown Huddle

Matt Ryan sets up at the basketball station at Clifton Elementary

Matt Ryan shoots free throws with some of the Clifton Elementary students

Cliff Matthews helps Clifton Elementary students at the hula-hoop station

Atlanta Falcons Cheerleader Denita C. works with Clifton Elementary students at the sit-ups station during the NFL/United Way's Hometown Huddle

Kicker Matt Bryant hangs out with Clifton Elementary students during their P.E. Class for the NFL/United Way's Hometown Huddle

Freddie Falcon shows some of the Clifton Elementary students how to do the sit and reach

Mike Peterson works at the vertical jump station at Clifton Elementary

One of the students at Clifton Elementary smiles as he hula-hoops with some Falcons players

Matt Ryan breaks it down in a huddle with some of the Clifton Elementary students

Chris Hope does a quick huddle with some of the Clifton Elementary students

Chris Hope works with some of the students at Clifton Elementary for the NFL/United Way's Hometown Huddle

Matt Ryan watches as some of the students shoot free throws at the basketball station

Mike Peterson walks through the vertical jump with one of the students at Clifton Elementary

One of the Clifton Elementary students shows Cliff Matthews how to hula-hoop

Matt Ryan huddles up with some of the Clifton Elementary students

Matt Ryan and some of the students at Clifton Elementary smile for the camera

The students of Clifton Elementary come together to do the Cupid Shuffle with a few Falcons players

Several Falcons players, including Matt Ryan, visited the students at Clifton Elementary Tuesday for the NFL/United Way's Hometown Huddle

Sean Weatherspoon works in the Meat Department at Publix Tuesday for the NFL/United Way's Hometown Huddle

Akeem Dent hands a football to one of the Publix customers

Matt Bosher works in the bread department at Publix Tuesday for the NFL/United Way's Hometown Huddle

William Moore helps bag groceries at Publix on Tuesday as a part of the NFL/United Way's Hometown Huddle

Akeem Dent chats with Publix customers as he participates in the NFL/United Way's Hometown Huddle

A group of Falcons players headed to Publix Tuesday to help out as part of the NFL/United Way's Hometown Huddle

Matt Bosher smiles with a Publix employee

Harry Douglas interacts with Publix customers as he bags groceries as part of the NFL/United Way's Hometown Huddle