2025 Summer Camps

Frequently Asked Questions
The following are some frequently asked questions regarding our camp program. If you cannot find the answer to your question or would like to speak with someone in more detail, please contact us at info@falconscamps.com or give us a call at (404) 364-7942.
What are the camp hours?
Camp runs from 8:45 a.m. until 2:45 p.m. Optional extended day programs are available before and after camp beginning at 8:00 a.m. and running until 4:00 p.m.
What does my camper need to bring to camp?
An Atlanta Falcons Summer Camps jersey will be provided to each camper on the first day of camp.
Everything brought to camp should be labeled with your camper's first initial and last name. Your camper should bring:
- Cleats and athletic shoes (please bring sneakers every day so that your camper is able to participate fully in indoor activities, if available at your site, in the event of inclement weather)
- Sunscreen (spray sunscreen is recommended over lotion)
- Lunch in a lunch bag labeled clearly with your camper's name. Please include an icepack if lunch items need to remain cold. We do not provide refrigeration.
- Water bottle to be refilled throughout the day (we provide plenty of water at all times)
What is the age range for campers?
All children between rising kindergarten and rising eighth grade are welcome at Atlanta Falcons Summer Camps.
Do campers need prior football experience?
We do not have ability or experience requirements; we welcome campers of all levels of experience - from first-time players to advanced players.
Do you separate children by grade?
Yes - all campers are separated into divisions based on their rising grade. Campers take part in drills and competitions within their division, to ensure the best possible competitive balance for a fun and developmental experience while at camp.
Can my camper be on the same team as their friend/teammate/sibling?
Yes! During our registration process, you can request that your camper is placed on the same team as their friends by creating a new Buddy Group or joining an existing Buddy Group.
Your camper may request up to three (3) teammates. We do our best to group your camper with at least one requested teammate provided that both teammates are members of the same rising grade.
Please note: we are unable to guarantee that your camper will be teamed with their requested friends, depending on age group and enrollment and team distribution.
Who are the Coaches?
Our coaching staff is made up of experienced coaches from all levels; including high school, current and former collegiate players. All Atlanta Falcons Summer Camps staff are subject to a rigorous screening process.
Do you offer any discounts?
We offer a 5% multi-program discount both for siblings and repeat campers. This discount applies automatically at registration checkout when your family enrolls in more than one week of camp. Please note: the 5% multi-program discount is only applied to the tuition of additional enrolled weeks.
We also offer team discounts - please contact us at info@falconscamps.com for more information.
Do I receive a confirmation when I register?
Once you register and pay for your camp session(s), you will receive a confirmation email for your records. This email serves as your confirmation of registration for camp. If you complete your registration and do not submit payment, you will still receive a confirmation email but, you will be added to a waitlist.
Will I receive additional information about camp after I register?
As summer approaches, we will begin communicating information for your upcoming camp session(s) to the email address provided at registration. Email communication goes to the email address listed on the primary account provided upon registering. If you registered for camp and did not receive a confirmation email, please contact us.
The week before camp, we'll send out more detailed information about your camp session(s) including drop-off location and instructions, procedures for Monday morning, what to bring to camp, as well as friendly tips and reminders. In addition to this pre-camp information, you'll receive a handful of emails throughout the week with important communications regarding the camp day and announcements.
What happens when a camper is enrolled on a waitlist?
When a camp session reaches capacity, we will move that session to a waitlist. Adding your camper's name to the waitlist for a session is free of charge and you will not need to provide credit card information at that time. Each year, some spots open up in sessions that have reached capacity as summer plans change. If a spot opens for your camper, we will contact you immediately via phone to confirm that you'd still like to enroll your camper in the session. At that time, we will take credit card information and enroll your camper(s) into camp.
Do you accept "walk-up" registrations?
Because we expect each camp week to sell out, we do not accept walk-up registrations. All registrations must be completed online prior to the Friday before camp begins if the camp program is not already sold out.
What are Atlanta Falcons Summer Camps policies on refunds, credits and transfers?
Please see our "Policies" page, which dictates our guidelines on credits and refunds.
When will my camper(s) receive a jersey?
Campers will be provided an official Atlanta Falcons Summer Camps jersey on the first morning of their camp session. On the first day of the session, campers should arrive dressed as follows:
- Regular T-shirt (regular cotton or performance wear)
- Athletic shorts
- Shoes and/or cleats of choice
- Hat if desired for additional sun protection
For the first day of camp, campers will change into their Atlanta Falcons Summer Camps jersey with the shorts and socks they wear that morning. For the remainder of the camp session, campers should wear their Atlanta Falcons Summer Camps jersey each day.
Does my child need to wear their uniform every day?
Campers are expected to wear their Atlanta Falcons Summer Camps jersey each day of camp. The only exception is their first day of camp on Monday.
Do I need to pack a lunch for my camper(s) each day?
Yes. Please send your campers(s) to camp with a lunch bag labeled clearly with his or her name. If you pack anything that needs to be kept cool, please include an icepack in the lunch bag. Lunches will be kept in camper backpacks until lunch time . If your camper's lunch requires utensils, please include those in the lunch bag as well. Please note that Atlanta Falcons Summer Camps are nut free.
Does Atlanta Falcons Summer Camps provide sunscreen?
Yes. We encourage campers to bring their own sunscreen. However, we have sunscreen on-site if your camper(s) forgets or loses their own.
How do you handle inclement weather?
In all events of inclement weather, we will proactively communicate our plan to enrolled families and will do everything in our control to host camp for your camper that day.
If we determine that the weather is too severe or fields are too damp to play on for a particular day, camp cancellation for that day is a possibility. In the event of a weather-related cancellation of a camp day, we offer an Atlanta Falcons Football Summer Camps credit in an amount commensurate to the missed day of camp.
What precautions do you take to handle the summer heat?
Our entire coaching staff is well aware that the summer heat can drain a camper throughout the day and week. Water is always available, and campers are required to take water breaks and sunscreen re-application breaks throughout the day. In extreme cases, we will seek indoor facilities to escape heat, if available at your camp location. Should this situation arise, we will send out a message prior to the start of camp with helpful instructions on what you can do to prepare your camper for a hot camp day, as well as information on what precautions we will be taking to combat the heat.
Can parents come watch the camp activities?
In alignment with our safety protocols, we do not allow parents or family members to attend camp or watch camp activities during any portion of the camp week.
Can Atlanta Falcons Summer Camps accommodate children with life-threatening allergies?
Yes. Families with children who have peanut, tree nut, or other life-threatening allergies can feel safe and comfortable at our summer camps. Note, we are a nut/peanut free program. Campers should avoid packing any food items containing these ingredients.
At the beginning of each camp day, our camp staff will take special note of children with life-threatening allergies by placing a mandatory, but inconspicuous, colored bracelet around the camper's wrist marked with the child's name for identification purposes (in case of Epi-Pen use, etc).
If your camper is bringing medication to camp (i.e. Epi-Pen), your camper's coach will have the medication on hand in a fanny pack at all times during camp. The medication will be checked in on Monday morning of camp with our on-site safety representative and will be returned on Friday at check-out. These procedures and policies will be clearly communicated in advance of camp to campers who have indicated that they'll be bringing medication to camp.
If you cannot find the answer to your question or would like to speak with someone in more detail, please contact us at info@falconscamps.com or give us a call at (404) 364-7942.