After a full training camp and preseason slate, we're ever-so-close to playing NFL games that count.
That's exciting stuff. It has been far too long since we piled into Mercedes Benz Stadium or, if the Falcons are on the road, huddled around the flat screen with enough snacks and sudsy beverages to make it through eight or so hours or commercial-free NFL Red Zone coverage. Scott Hanson, we've missed you so.
We won't know how this season will shake out. We do know how the teams stack up entering the 2021 NFL season thanks to the power ranking you're about to read, my first for Don't bother looking at any others. This hierarchy is indisputable.
Think I'm being serious? I can assure you I am not.
These are power rankings, man. They're meant to be fun, light-hearted, taken with a microscopic grain of Morton's salt. So, for the love of goodness gracious, when I take a thinly veiled shot at your team – I'll get to everybody at some point – absorb it with the spirit in which it was intended.
You probably won't like where I put the Falcons. I'll surely be a homer or a hater to everyone in this no-win situation, so let's let my overall coverage of the team speak louder than the number next to their name on this list.
Got all that straight? Good, cause the preamble's over. Let's get to it my Week 1 NFL Power Rankings: