Editor's note: We will be profiling all of the Atlanta Falcons cheerleaders throughout the 2018 season. Their stories will appear on AtlantaFalcons.com every two weeks.
Celia B
What made you interested in this career?
I have a long line of nurses in my family. Both of my grandmothers were nurses, and my mom is a nurse practitioner. My mom is my biggest inspiration and motivator and has always pushed me to reach my goals. Through nursing I am able to express my passion for taking care of people, while also learning about disease processes.
How long have you been doing this?
I graduated cum laude in December of 2017 from University of South Carolina. Earlier this month, I began my residency program as a registered nurse on a progressive cardiac care unit.
What is the most rewarding thing about what you do?
The most rewarding part about being a nurse is caring for people and being a strong, supportive role model during a vulnerable time in a person's life. I love being their advocate, their personal cheerleader and watching them progress to become healthier and even more confident.
What can you bring from being an Atlanta Falcons cheerleader to your daily job?
Through the Atlanta Falcons cheerleading organization, I am held accountable to be a strong leader to the public and supportive teammate to my peers. I utilize these qualities as a nurse by being the team leader and coordinator of care for each of my patients
What was your first job?
My first job was being an assistant teacher and choreographer at my dance studio.
How long have you known that you wanted to be a nurse?
After taking care of my grandma for many years in a nursing home, I knew I was called to pursue a career in nursing. I wanted to make a difference in people's lives.
When you graduate, do you want to work with a specific age group or department at a hospital?
I just recently started on a progressive cardiac care unit at a local hospital. The general population of my unit is adults with cardiac diseases such as coronary artery disease, hypertension, arrhythmias, and heart failure.
Kat P
Occupation: Project manager for Piedmont Healthcare
What made you interested in this career?
I was an accident-prone kid and was always in the doctor's office, so I knew at a young age that I wanted to work in healthcare. My grandfather also worked in healthcare administration so I followed in his footsteps. While getting a master's in public health, I concentrated in healthcare policy and management, and it really helped confirm that this was what I wanted to do.
How long have you been doing this?
I have been working Piedmont for a little over six years. I spent the first three years as a business analyst and have worked in a project management role for the past three years.
What is the most rewarding thing about what you do?
The most rewarding thing about my job is using technology solutions to improve patients' healthcare experiences by removing some of the typical stresses and hassle. My main project is our mobile app that has all of the info a patient would need at their fingertips. You can do everything from scheduling an appointment, to getting indoor, real-time navigation within our hospitals, to accessing your clinical info through our patient portal.
What can you bring from being an Atlanta Falcons cheerleader to your daily job?
I think being a part of AFC (Atlanta Falcons cheerleaders) has taught me to bring more positivity to everyday life and has required me to be super organized. Both of these things certainly help on a day-to-day basis.
What was your first job?
My first job was working at Bruster's Ice Cream. I probably ate more than I sold.
Did your career take any unexpected turns to get you where you are?
Sort of! I thought about going the med-school route in undergrad, but my senior year I joined the track team. I got pretty good in only one season and wanted to use my remaining NCAA eligibility. I started an MPH while finishing my eligibility, and it helped me realize how much I enjoyed the business side of healthcare.
How do you find time to balance being a project manager and side hobbies, like being a cheerleader?
I have to live every hour by my calendar – everything gets scheduled in advance. I honestly don't have much of a life outside of work, spending time with my family, and AFC. However, the best part of AFC is that the girls are some of my best friends, and the team really turns into your family. Therefore, it never feels like you are sacrificing a social life or personal relationships, it only enhances them.

Cassie J
Occupation: Teacher
What made you interested in this career?
I've always had a passion for working with kids.
How long have you been doing this?
Two years.
What is the most rewarding thing about what you do?
The most rewarding thing about being a teacher is seeing the growth from my students. I get to celebrate the small and big accomplishments with my students everyday.
What can you bring from being an Atlanta Falcons cheerleader to your daily job?
I want to let my students know that no dream is too big. If you believe in yourself, plan, and work hard you can achieve it!
What was your first job?
Sales associate at Limited Too.
Have you always known that you wanted to work with kids?
I've been working with kids now for about 10 years. After graduating college, for a split second I thought I wanted to do something in the sales department. That quickly ended. My heart has always been with the kiddos. I completely enjoy helping my students achieve their full potential in a fun environment. Teaching my students and seeing their growth is the most rewarding job ever!
What's your favorite subject to teach and why?
My favorite subject to teach is definitely reading. Reading is the foundation for all learning, and it opens so many doors. Reading can help children develop language skills, enhance social skills, and can provide fun and entertainment!
Occupation: Marketing specialist
What made you interested in this career?
When I went to college, I had no idea what I wanted to major in. I took a career finder class and found out that my personality and skills were a perfect match for marketing!
How long have you been doing this?
I started my career in property managment about three years ago, but just a year ago officially took on a marketing role.
What is the most rewarding thing about what you do?
I would have to say seeing a project I have been working on for over a year finally come to completion.
What can you bring from being an Atlanta Falcons cheerleader to your daily job?
I definitely bring a lot of spinergy (spirit and energy) to the workplace! My co-workers always compliment me on my positive attitude and how I always keep positive at work regardless of what is happening.
What was your first job?
Sales associate at Abercrombie Kids
What is the day-to-day work life of a marketing specialist?
My day-to-day work life as a marketing specialist is very busy to say the least! Not only am I working on marketing items for the property such as market surveys, resident events, social media, flyers, etc. but I am also dealing with residents, construction, and leasing to prospects by answering phones, emails, and touring!
You are currently training to be a marketing director at your company--what all is involved in that process?
I am currently a marketing specialist on site at District at Duluth, and as soon as we sell our property, I will be the marketing director of The Management Group. I have been training for this since I joined the company a year ago. I have been working closely with Jamin (vice president of The Management Group) who has been teaching me all about the role. I am usually at corporate on Tuesdays learning about internet lead sources, new marketing trends in property management, and marketing outreach.

Ellen C
Occupation: Student at Georgia State University working on doctorate of physical therapy
How long have you been doing this?
I am currently enrolled in the doctorate of physical therapy program at Georgia State University and just beginning my second year. I will be graduating in Spring 2020 and will begin my career in physical therapy soon after.
What is the most rewarding thing about what you do?
The most rewarding thing about the physical therapy profession is being able to witness the impact your work has on improving a patient's quality of life. Physical therapists are most known to treat sports-related injuries or post-surgical joint replacement therapy. What many people do not know is that physical therapists can also work with patients in hospitals that are on a ventilator in the ICU. Many of these patients are later able to walk out of the hospital doors, and it is really rewarding to see the improvements in these patients. Physical therapists get to journey and encourage patients who may be going through one of their most difficult periods in their life, whether it's as severe as a trip to the ICU or just an injury that has disrupted their normal life, and I am honored to be able to have a positive impact on a patient during that hard time.
What can you bring from being an Atlanta Falcons cheerleader to your daily job?
Being an Atlanta Falcon cheerleader is not only teaching me the importance of teamwork with a large group of 36 women, but is also giving me practice with interpersonal communication skills through fan interaction. As a future physical therapist, communication is one of the most important factors in being successful with patients. In this profession, it is important to build a quick rapport through confident communication so that patients can trust the physical therapist to perform treatments and help progress patients to reach goals.
What was your first job?
My first job was at a frozen yogurt shop the summer after I got my driver's license. It was the time that frozen yogurt shops were on just about every corner and the "fad." Frozen yogurt is one of my favorite desserts, so it was the perfect fit for me!
What made you want to study physical therapy?
I became interested in physical therapy before I even knew what the profession was because I was drawn towards the patient-therapist relationship that physical therapists have compared to other healthcare professions. Physical therapists see patients frequently while they are being treated, on a weekly basis or even a daily basis. Due to this close interaction, patients grow to trust physical therapists with their treatment. While shadowing in physical therapy clinics before I got in to physical therapy school, I loved the environment and felt like I could truly make an impact with being able to create individualized plans with and for each patient.
What type of physical therapy do you want to specialize in?
Initially, I had an interest in working with dancers because dancing was such a large part of my life growing up. Now, after learning more about the wide range of patient types that physical therapists can work with, I have an interest in possibly working in neurological, pediatric, or geriatric physical therapy. The best advice that I have received from my professors and peers is to keep an open mind. I am excited to see where I will end up after I graduate with my doctorate!